
Mortgage Rate Forecast This Week – February 20th, 2024

Last week’s release of CPI and PPI resulted in slightly higher than expected inflation rates which led to speculation that the Federal Reserve’s decision to cut rates will likely come much further in the year than anticipated. There was some suspicion that if inflation rates would continue to exceed predictions, it could result in another rate hike. Lending partners have responded in kind with the first significant increase in lending rates since the end of November. However, The Federal Reserve will likely maintain its current stance.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Explaining Escrow Accounts

Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homeowner considering a refinance, the term “escrow account” often looms as a source of confusion. Yet, understanding the ins and outs of escrow accounts is crucial for managing your homeownership responsibilities effectively. In this article, we’ll address some common questions and concerns regarding escrow accounts to shed light on their importance and functionality.

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Mortgage Rate Forecast This Week – January 29th, 2024

It was an uneventful week for the data reports, as the majority of the interest waits for the Federal Reserve’s rate decision heading into the following week. One of the most notable reports is for New Home Sales, which had managed to greatly exceed the projections for the end of the year moving into January. It is an early sign that there is a surge in response to the week-to-week rate cuts we have been observing over the last two weeks.

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